Iratxe Garrido

Fullstack Developer with expertise in IT Security. After 7 years of hacking, I've redirected my skills to coding and app building.

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About Me.


Passionate about building and breaking applications. I like learning new skills and sharing my knowledge with other people.

  • My Skills Are: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Git & GitHub, Bootstrap & Stimulus.


Fullstack Development

Creating solutions that enhance everyday life makes me happy. I find fulfillment in delving into the intricacies of an application and comprehending each step to better understand the big picture.

Analytical thinking

I love deconstructing and understanding all sorts of problems, whether it's a 'broken' rice cooker, a system I want to hack into, a piece of code that doesn't quite work how it's supposed to, or a climbing route that I don't really know how to start yet.

Mentoring & public speaking

Engaging in mentorship allows me to share my experiences and guide others, and witnessing their growth is genuinely rewarding. Public speaking provides a platform to inspire and connect with a broader audience.


Skill sharing app

Skill Swap

Web app where users can share their knowledge and materials with other peers to reduce the threshold for starting new hobbies and swipe other user's skills. Implemented swiping functionality both frontend with JavaScript and backend with Ruby

Airbnb Clone

Warm & Furries

Developed and deployed an AirBnB clone, featuring user-friendly booking and rental processes for "furries" on both the main page and map view. Implemented efficient handling of pending bookings, along with a tailored search function for specific furry types.

Bookmark favorite movies

Watch List

It's a 3-model Rails application where the user can bookmark their favorite movies in lists. The movies are seeded using an API. Users can write reviews about the lists.

Contact Me.

I will read all emails. Send me any message you want and I'll get back to you.

I need your Name and Email Address, but you won't receive anything other than your reply.

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